Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Happy Breakfast

 let's see.... how many pict of breakfast?
entah kenapa foto sarapan di pagi hari selalu bergairah buat difoto,
skill dan kamera belom mumpuni
soon be better ko :)
"no  day without breakfast" YES!

note : oat meal di seduh bareng susu kental manis putih di tambah potongan strowberri segar
the special one

note : salad buah dan sandwich pake roti gandum wortel :)

note : roti tawar di panggang pake kayu manis, butter, gula :9

note : apel jeruk

note : apel malang - strowberry bandung

note : cronut - hot choco milk

note : roti tawar coklat keju - hot tea

note : ice choco milk - salad buah

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