Kamis, 18 September 2014

smile with :

  1. Ice milk tea :9
  2. Thai teaaaaa~
  3. olah olahan seaweed
  4. strawberry seger di celup coklat
  5. jam tangan di sebelah kiri
  6. olahan brokoli ijo
  7. bakso malang :9
  8. susu coklat dingin pake sereal di pagi hari :9
  9. oat di potongin strowberry seger
  10. dikasi kado :))
  11. juice tom and jerry a.k.a tomat jeruk
  12. hobi ngefoto foto sarapan
  13. tempe penyet kukus
  14. seaaafooodddd!!!
  15. nonton film drama, comedy, action
  16. dengerin musik pake speaker pagi"
  17. Conello choco Strawberry
  18. Liat ATM, ehhh.... udah d isi :D